Monday, May 6, 2013

Excuses? Get Rid of them... and define your LIFE!

Ohh boy... where do I start... I have SO neglected my writing, here in my blog, and for other sites who I send my articles to. Not good... at all. But I am human, just like you, and a mom, with a million things to do, and it all sounds like "excuses" to me.... it was making me sick.... honestly.

 Writing to me, is important. It is a method of release of the things on my mind, the energy, anything that needs to be let go of... and this can be done in writing. I used to journal everyday... and it is something that is very healthy for the mind, and the soul - and - it helps to take your dreams, and turn them into goals, and ultimately -reality! Along with keeping a daily journal, I would talk to the angels... which I have not done either in a while. Shame on me.  And I call myself spiritual and in tune with myself and my universe! Even though it is important to me, as I find it healing... I made excuses... and did not do all those things that made me feel good, that helped me to release and let go and move forward. Rather I simply sat here in stagnant energy, and did nothing.
So why did I let the last 2+ weeks go by without writing... Honestly I do not know.
Did I give up on my goals or dreams? No.  But I always found an excuse... the laundry needed to be done; I had to make a phone call; the house was a mess; someone came over; I had to make dinner; I had to be somewhere.....why can I not take time out for me? Because I am a "people-pleaser" and everyone else is more important, then me... which is not true...  damn excuses.

SO I decided today, that I am sick of excuses. I am tired of thinking them, living them, letting them control me or my day. I am getting rid of excuses - RIGHT NOW. And I am going to learn to define MY life, on MY terms, and take the 30 minutes out of my day to write and inspire myself, to read empowering words, and to bring that positive energy, back here to you.

"If it is important to you, you WILL find a way. If not, you will find an excuse."
What is important to you: Your relationship? Your career? Your health?
Do you find yourself making excuses relating to these important aspects of your life?

Excuses like, "I don't want to call him, he needs to call me..." Communication is so important in a relationship to nourish and make it flourish! Making an excuse like that can be the beginning of the end. It is selfish! Sure we all want the thrill of the chase, but really - lets get realistic! If you find yourself making an excuse not to reach out and make an effort and show some positive energy, then is that person and relationship really that important to you? Not making an effort, shows him, he is not important to you. and YES it does go both ways, but taking the positive steps towards change, makes all the difference.

How about the excuse for work or your career.... "I can not apply for that job - I won't get it, I am not good enough for it...." who says you are not good enough for a change, for a raise, for more responsibilities? If you do not put your name out there and your experience and your credentials, then who will do it for you - nobody! Do not make any excuses about possible job and career changes! If you want to have more income, more security and more structure or more stability then apply to a new job, or do what needs to be done to make yourself better so you can achieve your goals. Put your energy out there, and be seen! Otherwise, when you use those excuses, all you do is tear down your confidence and make working where you do, a living hell for yourself, and you will never see progress or move forward.

And your health... "I do not have time to work out today.... I had to grab fast food because I did not bring my lunch today.... I have to get the laundry done..."  gotta love these excuses, sounds like me! In all honesty if you can not find 30 minutes out of your day for you, to exercise, or even to simply sit and meditate...I find that very hard to believe. For the amount of time it takes to stand in line at the local burger joint, you could have spent that 5 minutes before work or even the night before and put together a healthy choice like a salad and some fruit, or a sandwich and some soup. It's cheaper too! and then take half your lunch break, and go outside, go for a walk, or just sit and meditate. Hey I am a mom, a busy mom, of teenagers who play competitive sports, who works 3 jobs and most days can still find an hour even in 20 minute intervals, to walk, exercise and make healthy meals (even thou I truly dislike cooking!!)

So how about you? What excuses do you make in order to avoid being responsible for your life... even thou the aspect is important to you: you want to be healthy, you want a better job, you want a great relationship... but you choose an excuse, over an action.
If it is important to you, you will find a way. Get rid of the excuses, and define your Life!

Lots of Love and Light,
Mystic Angel
If you are interested in a in depth personal psychic reading, find me at
and when you register you will get $5 free to use, when you add funds to your account use my promo code MYSTICANGEL and get another $5 free to use added to your balance.
I offer my readings at affordable rates - live chat, phone and email sessions!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Your future, and who belongs in the past..... its all about destiny!

I apologize for not keeping up with my personal BLOGGING promise to provide you with daily insights, and information and fun stuff, along with my personal adventures... life has been crazy hectic lately and that is not an understatement!  But being a professional psychic, providing online psychic readings, tarot insights and also giving in person live sessions, AND a mom, and try to maintain some aspects of a life... does complicate the essence of "time"..... BUT I love it none the less!  If anyone knows how to grow more TIME let me know - the clocks I planted are not doing it!

Recently I had been approached by one of my clients who was having a really hard break up and trying to put it into perspective and see the situation for what it really is....

"....they just do not belong in your future....."
Words to really think about and ponder. 
 Everyone has questions about prior relationships:
 ~  Why did it end?
~  Was he/she cheating?
~  Will they be back in my life? 
~  Did they really love me??
...and a big one: ~What did I do wrong?

I am not immune to this - I found myself asking these same questions after my husband and I separated, and ultimately divorced.... We all experience this feeling of shame, or embarrassment, or bewilderment, guilt, or outright confusion when a relationship that once had us so exhilarated in love and in lust and feeling like a million bucks, turns into a nightmare and leaves us feeling worthless, useless and empty.

We all need to realize that there IS a bigger picture out there, there is a reason why everything that happens, happens - and we for the most part can not control destiny. IF your lover cheats on you, there is a bigger reason for it, one that you likely will not know or realize or even reason with, for many years to come, but there is a reason none the less.....  If the relationship ended, it was time... and changes and opportunities are on the horizon..... and like this quote says, the people of our past may not belong in our future.... and this is why I am here - to help you realize what happened, know the truth, learn how to figure it out, "deal and heal" and move forward.... I can also help answer all those scary questions..... but the answers I can provide, sometimes are not nice to hear, or are not sugar coated, they are reality, and as I truly enjoy saying, "the truth will set you free."

So - do you have questions about those relationship issues **I know you do!!** 
I am the psychic to help bring reality into understanding, and find healing in the hurt.
Contact me today and breath better tomorrow!
Much love,
Mystic Angel
If you are interested in a in depth personal psychic reading, find me at
and when you register you will get $5 free to use

when you add funds to your account use my promo code MYSTICANGEL 
and get another $5 free to use added to your balance.
I offer my readings at affordable rates - live chat, phone and email sessions 

and prefer to use the new psychic and tarot reading website

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

DIY Tarot - "Getting down to business" - wow talk about an accurate reading!

So today I really started to work with a new tarot spread, from called the "Getting down to business" spread, which is 4 cards, and great for time frames - which actually is available as a FREE download for anyone who is interested in the DIY Tarot Readings.
I really LIKE this spread - it is easy, it makes sense and it is very accurate, and it is easy to grasp time frames from it.... and it does like its name, it gets right to the heart of the question, and gives the details needed to be known in order to make choices and changes. This is a great addition to any online psychic or tarot card reader who likes to have access to their cards and spreads online and in hand. Screen shots and visuals can be kept from the reading and provided to the client for more explanations of the tarot cards and meanings and how it all fits together!

I am offering this 4 card "Getting down to business" Reading via email to all my clients at a special reduced rate of $10 - for the remainder of April, available only through  

Ask your 1 question specific and direct, lets get down to business and bring the options to the surface!

Mystic Angel
If you are interested in a in depth personal psychic reading, find me at
and when you register you will get $5 free to use, when you add funds to your account use my promo code MYSTICANGEL and get another $5 free to use added to your balance.
I offer my readings at affordable rates - live chat, phone and email sessions!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Playing Catch Up... March is gone - I am not an April fool, and SPRING - where are you?!?!

As I sit here and take a moment to write, it is already April 3rd.... and it feels like I have missed the last week - life has been so busy! Kids have been home sick with colds, Easter came and went, and I am busy each and every day speaking with clients at, where I am now providing Phone Readings, Online Chat Sessions and Email readings. And I have a $15 special now on for a Psychic and Tarot Reading - Life is GREAT - I love being a voice of intuitive guidance for you! I will be adding more content, blog posts, daily messages to my facebook and twitter pages, so stay tuned!

When I started this blog a month ago - I was wondering if March would be going in like a lion or lamb, and subsequently, how it would end....  Well from what I can recall - March ended like a LION - cold, with more snow and freezing rain and just not a very nice way for Easter Sunday to be.  The first time in a very long time that there was too much snow to do a proper Easter Egg Hunt - which sucks for kids... the first year I did not hide eggs for them either - guess they are getting too old for those traditions!

Moving forward, April Fools day was uneventful to say the least and no one tried to prank or pull any jokes on me! Yippeee! Other then SPRING still not arriving for us - it has been very unseasonably cold here, so cold that it was snowing again, but also the sun can not even warm up the day to help melt that horrible white stuff - YUCK!  I think at the next new moon, I will be manifesting GREEN GRASS and SUNSHINE!

For all my clients, new and old, please keep my promo code available for use - MYSTICANGEL
use this code when you add funds to your client account and get $5 added to your deposit that you can use to speak with me, or any of our professional psychic advisors. If you have used my code already and are looking for another one - the spring code is SPRING13 - it will also give you $5

If you have not registered yet as a client at -  please do so! When you register as a client you will get $5 added to your account automatically - which can be used to speak to me or anyone via a phone reading, live chat, video chat or an email question. I am telling you it is a great platform. It is new, but the site works great, I love the chat software and the ability to offer the phone readings - its the best online psychic and tarot reading website out there.

So... March, glad it is over - in like a lamb, out like a lion for 2013 - at least for this psychic! Time for green grass, sunshine, flowers and SPRING. Wishing you all many sunny spring blessings!

Mystic Angel

Friday, March 29, 2013

Never give up - your prayers are being answered!

Happy Easter Weekend Everyone!

I just wanted to leave a little message about not giving up.

I had a client come to me just this morning who was very sad, down on herself and was feeling like there was no progress in her life, things were not moving the way she wanted and she just felt that she wanted to give up on her dreams. I asked her why she thought this or what made her feel this way, and she said to me that she has asked the angels and her guides for help, and she is not getting it, she felt that the universe was not listening to her prayers and request for help....
So I asked her, are you being specific in your intentions and what you are asking of the angels and the universe, are you saying "I want this to happen within the next xx days."..... trying to find out if she has been specific.... she said no, she has just asked for a new job, and a new person to love in her life.... and she keeps asking every day but nothing new is happening....

I told her she needs to be more specific when she next asks the angels for help. She needs to ASK, Believe and then be open to receiving.... she then said to me "well I did have someone ask me to help them out with moving this weekend.... and they would give me gas money.... but I did not feel like going..." **I JUST ABOUT SHOOK HER WHEN SHE SAID THIS!***

I replied back you are kidding me right - this is exactly what you have asked for, you asked for a new job and a new person in her life to love... well... helping someone move, and for a value such as "gas money" is technically a JOB... doing something in return for something of value to you.... and if it was spending some time with new people, a NEW person could have been present at this "moving day" that you could have met and may have been your soulmate! And she replied yes, my friend's 2 brothers were also going to help.... and then she went - D'oh!!! - I screwed that up didnt I... I better call my friend right now and get over there to help her move!

Needless to say, she was jumping way to fast into the "pity me" thoughts and feeling like nothing was manifesting for her, when all along, she got what she asked for!

LESSON to learn, be open to every opportunity - as it may not be exactly what you expect, but it is exactly what you need at that moment!

Mystic Angel
Contact me at
ALL new clients get $5 upon registration AND use promo code EASTER13 and get $10 added to your account! - that's a $15 FREE Reading! Valid only until April 1st

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Phone Readings Available!

Hi everyone! 
Just a quick note to let my clients know that I do provide PHONE readings as well via

Phone readings are a great way to establish a solid connection to our clients - BUT I find that I can connect via live chat, or email readings just as solid....  but I can talk a mile a minute! *smiles*

As always you can find me live here daily - just send me an onsite message to arrange an appointment time if you do not see me available! is the one stop psychic site for Live chat, Video Chat, 
Email Readings and Phone sessions

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Angel Inspiration for March 24, 2013

Today's Inspirational Angel Insight comes from Doreen Virtue Messages from your Angels Deck....

the angel is Oceana

Take action. You're in touch with your truth in this situation, and you need to trust your gut and lovingly assert yourself.

Dive right in! There's no need for more research or time. You can trust your feelings on this one. I will guide you through the actions that are necessary, considering the circumstances. Your main concern is to avoid procrastination at all costs. Break the situation down into small steps so that you don't become overwhelmed. Then, take those steps in regular intervals.
You already know what to do about this situation, and you have made up your mind to take action. I am here to validate that your decision is on the path of Light. Although there might be some temporary hard work or emotional turmoil, this will soon be replaced by a lightness of spirit akin to gently floating on a summer breeze.
Sometimes you may feel too emotional or tired to take action. That is because you're unsure of the 'correctness' of your decisions. Usually, unfounded guilt is the culprit that is draining your energy and happiness. This is when it's very important to call upon the angels to shore up your faith. Notice how the doors open smoothly witch each step you take. That is one more sign that you're taking the best course of action.

Have a blessed day!

Mystic Angel

Mystic Angel is available daily for live chat, phone sessions and email readings! $15 Specials!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Yep, Angels are Awesome! Daily Inspiration!

Mystic Angel uses Doreen Virtues Oracle Cards

Now with that said lets talk about angels a little bit!

Angels are the messengers of God and the universe and their sole purpose is to HELP and assist us in our day to day journey of life.... They protect us, show us the way when we are lost and pick us up when we are down. They are always with us, and are always there when you need their spirutual love and support.

You can communicate with your angels in many different ways; dreams, petitions or simply just speaking to them within or out loud. One way that works great for a Psychic or Medium is to use angel divination cards to get insights for their clients.... and this is what we are going to start today...

Daily Inspiration from your Angels!

Lets start the messages from one of the highest angels, Archangel Michael, the angel who protects us and gives us courage to face the day and all our demons! Movies are made about this angel - and John Travolta rocked that part! - His message for you today is that he is with you, giving you the courage to make life changes that will help you work on your divine life purpose. You have asked for protection, safety and progress for your life purpose. And I AM overseeing the fruition of your divine purpose. Be assured that you have never been alone, and that you will never be alone. When you feel pushed that is me, guiding you, but directing you in right direction! If you fear, simply ask me to be by your side and feel my presence, and you will feel comfortable and safe during life's changes.....

Blessings to you always!
Mystic Angel

Speak with me live at
and let me know you found me at so-feminine and I will give you $5 free to use to speak with me privately!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring and a great day!

Happy SPRING everyone!

YIPPPEE we made it through the first quarter of 2013 - yes with snow where I am, and all the grass that was visible is now covered BUT I was assured by an 'ol timer farmer today (my father) that the snow will be gone by April 12th (for the most part) ... and that is good news to me!

BRING ON APRIL!!! *smiles*

Just a quick hello and mention to my friends at so-feminine uk... I joined their website yesterday and really enjoy it - I have a blog set up there as well and am meeting new folks on their forum, and giving a few free readings here and there. Their website has tons of information for women, and men, and alot of good details and self help and articles and wow so much to look at!

Here is their horoscope section....

SO "Hello" to the folks over at so-feminine uk - and here is a link back to my blog there...
and I will pretty much post the same items here as I do there and share the love with their community.

Their forum board for tarot astrology and the sort is interesting as well - here is a post I put up yesterday...

BUT I will do the same here at this blog - if anyone posts to it asking a quick question I will do my best to answer you... BUT do remember this IS my job and income and I am a working single mom just like many of you all... so give and receive, and keep that universal flow going.

Have a great night everyone - and lets start spring off in a prosperous tone! :)

Blessings always
Mystic Angel
JOIN and contact me there
and I will make sure you get $5 free to use to speak with me in a private reading session!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Welcome SPRING - and not a moment to soon!

Spring in the Northern Hemisphere starts on March 20th 2013 at 702am EST and it is about darn time that it gets here. As I write this I am watching the snow falling, with winter storm warnings in effect and simply craving the heat of the sun, and to see green grass again! I can not wait for tomorrow to get here!

In honor of SPRING I am writing about the Empress the 3rd Major Arcana Tarot card, which to my symbolizes spring and all that comes with it: fertility, growth, expansion, creativity, nurturing, prosperity, mothering and mother earth. And as a psychic for almost 20 years, this card is an important one for me, and for many who are spiritual and strive to have balance with the universe.

Sometimes all you need to do is nurture yourself....I am sure that you have a goal or dream, so don’t push too hard, just provide the right conditions for that dream to flourish. Have that positive self talk with yourself, the affirmations, being kind to yourself, and celebrate the talents and your successes. When you are positive and think in that flow all of that will create fertile soil for your dreams to take root and grow. I am just like you - I have dreams and goals, but I also have a hard time being patient waiting for success to come to me, however I take comfort in this tarot meaning and the energy.

I am sure you know that when we try too hard we end up interfering in the magical process that is unfolding. I am personally really bad for meddling in the universe and the divine plan of things - when things are going great I seem to stick my big nose into it and mess it up! So I want to share with you that if you can simply stop and breath and stop worrying, relax and allow things to unfold on their own, you will be surprised at how little effort is needed to accomplish those goals. There IS a time for effort and hard work, but right now all you need is patience and let the essence of Spring work its magic.

Come Celebrate SPRING with me at where I currently have a $15 special, answering any 2 questions for you via an email reading... Or you can have a live chat with me for $2.50 per minute.

Many Spring Blessings
Mystic Angel
Professional Psychic and Tarot Card Reader

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Free Reading Offer - Happy St Pat's Day!

March 17, 2013... from 

Mystic Angel is one of our Featured Psychics this St Patrick's Day

Register a client account at today Sunday March 17, 2013 and get a free reading from Mystic Angel valued at $15! 

Contact us for more details!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

$15 Psychic Tarot Reading Special

Will March come in like a Lion or Lamb for you?

That old saying came to mind just now as I was getting ready to write this blog post!
It also goes along with the thought for my

 $15 Psychic Reading Special for March.

Wondering what's happening for you during the month ahead? A psychic and tarot card overview of the main points in your live, and things to take note of for the next few weeks, a $15 email reading special available now at

Use my promo code MYSTICANGEL  at and get $5 free added to your account when you add funds.

So if you are wondering what the month of March has to offer you, come see me for a reading and we will find out if it will be like a lion or lamb for you!

I will let you know how "March" came in for me.

Love. Light. Blessings
Mystic Angel

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Who is Mystic Angel?

Mystic Angel
Hi Everyone and welcome to my blog.

My name is Mystic Angel and I am a Psychic and Tarot Card Reader.

I am here to help find you REAL answers to the questions you are seeking – about love and relationships, your career and financial aspects... I am not here to tell you that there are dark negative energy or curses placed upon you! I am one of the "good guys"... and I am here to help you seek guidance and insights.

We all have questions, nothing is too big or small to want insight into!

I have been doing readings for almost 20 years, both online and off. My readings consist of tarot cards, psychic, mediumship and clairvoyant sessions, spiritual guides, angelic, deceased loved ones, runes, pendulum. I also provide time frames if available within the reading. Whatever we need to do or use to get the answers you require to make decisions - I can do!

I Provide REAL READINGS! I also am Reiki master and can do distant healing and energy work for yourself or loved ones.

I have worked on some of the top websites and platforms for over 10yrs and have been providing readings for almost 20years. I have done radio call-in psychic shows, psychic fairs and worked within an occult shop.
I have many years experience and I am very happy to be available to assist you with your questions.

I am currently available via for phone, live chat and email readings, and at affordable prices.

I will be starting regular featured articles and guest writing for - stay tuned for more!