Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Your future, and who belongs in the past..... its all about destiny!

I apologize for not keeping up with my personal BLOGGING promise to provide you with daily insights, and information and fun stuff, along with my personal adventures... life has been crazy hectic lately and that is not an understatement!  But being a professional psychic, providing online psychic readings, tarot insights and also giving in person live sessions, AND a mom, and try to maintain some aspects of a life... does complicate the essence of "time"..... BUT I love it none the less!  If anyone knows how to grow more TIME let me know - the clocks I planted are not doing it!

Recently I had been approached by one of my clients who was having a really hard break up and trying to put it into perspective and see the situation for what it really is....

"....they just do not belong in your future....."
Words to really think about and ponder. 
 Everyone has questions about prior relationships:
 ~  Why did it end?
~  Was he/she cheating?
~  Will they be back in my life? 
~  Did they really love me??
...and a big one: ~What did I do wrong?

I am not immune to this - I found myself asking these same questions after my husband and I separated, and ultimately divorced.... We all experience this feeling of shame, or embarrassment, or bewilderment, guilt, or outright confusion when a relationship that once had us so exhilarated in love and in lust and feeling like a million bucks, turns into a nightmare and leaves us feeling worthless, useless and empty.

We all need to realize that there IS a bigger picture out there, there is a reason why everything that happens, happens - and we for the most part can not control destiny. IF your lover cheats on you, there is a bigger reason for it, one that you likely will not know or realize or even reason with, for many years to come, but there is a reason none the less.....  If the relationship ended, it was time... and changes and opportunities are on the horizon..... and like this quote says, the people of our past may not belong in our future.... and this is why I am here - to help you realize what happened, know the truth, learn how to figure it out, "deal and heal" and move forward.... I can also help answer all those scary questions..... but the answers I can provide, sometimes are not nice to hear, or are not sugar coated, they are reality, and as I truly enjoy saying, "the truth will set you free."

So - do you have questions about those relationship issues **I know you do!!** 
I am the psychic to help bring reality into understanding, and find healing in the hurt.
Contact me today and breath better tomorrow!
Much love,
Mystic Angel
If you are interested in a in depth personal psychic reading, find me at
and when you register you will get $5 free to use

when you add funds to your account use my promo code MYSTICANGEL 
and get another $5 free to use added to your balance.
I offer my readings at affordable rates - live chat, phone and email sessions 

and prefer to use the new psychic and tarot reading website

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