Monday, May 6, 2013

Excuses? Get Rid of them... and define your LIFE!

Ohh boy... where do I start... I have SO neglected my writing, here in my blog, and for other sites who I send my articles to. Not good... at all. But I am human, just like you, and a mom, with a million things to do, and it all sounds like "excuses" to me.... it was making me sick.... honestly.

 Writing to me, is important. It is a method of release of the things on my mind, the energy, anything that needs to be let go of... and this can be done in writing. I used to journal everyday... and it is something that is very healthy for the mind, and the soul - and - it helps to take your dreams, and turn them into goals, and ultimately -reality! Along with keeping a daily journal, I would talk to the angels... which I have not done either in a while. Shame on me.  And I call myself spiritual and in tune with myself and my universe! Even though it is important to me, as I find it healing... I made excuses... and did not do all those things that made me feel good, that helped me to release and let go and move forward. Rather I simply sat here in stagnant energy, and did nothing.
So why did I let the last 2+ weeks go by without writing... Honestly I do not know.
Did I give up on my goals or dreams? No.  But I always found an excuse... the laundry needed to be done; I had to make a phone call; the house was a mess; someone came over; I had to make dinner; I had to be somewhere.....why can I not take time out for me? Because I am a "people-pleaser" and everyone else is more important, then me... which is not true...  damn excuses.

SO I decided today, that I am sick of excuses. I am tired of thinking them, living them, letting them control me or my day. I am getting rid of excuses - RIGHT NOW. And I am going to learn to define MY life, on MY terms, and take the 30 minutes out of my day to write and inspire myself, to read empowering words, and to bring that positive energy, back here to you.

"If it is important to you, you WILL find a way. If not, you will find an excuse."
What is important to you: Your relationship? Your career? Your health?
Do you find yourself making excuses relating to these important aspects of your life?

Excuses like, "I don't want to call him, he needs to call me..." Communication is so important in a relationship to nourish and make it flourish! Making an excuse like that can be the beginning of the end. It is selfish! Sure we all want the thrill of the chase, but really - lets get realistic! If you find yourself making an excuse not to reach out and make an effort and show some positive energy, then is that person and relationship really that important to you? Not making an effort, shows him, he is not important to you. and YES it does go both ways, but taking the positive steps towards change, makes all the difference.

How about the excuse for work or your career.... "I can not apply for that job - I won't get it, I am not good enough for it...." who says you are not good enough for a change, for a raise, for more responsibilities? If you do not put your name out there and your experience and your credentials, then who will do it for you - nobody! Do not make any excuses about possible job and career changes! If you want to have more income, more security and more structure or more stability then apply to a new job, or do what needs to be done to make yourself better so you can achieve your goals. Put your energy out there, and be seen! Otherwise, when you use those excuses, all you do is tear down your confidence and make working where you do, a living hell for yourself, and you will never see progress or move forward.

And your health... "I do not have time to work out today.... I had to grab fast food because I did not bring my lunch today.... I have to get the laundry done..."  gotta love these excuses, sounds like me! In all honesty if you can not find 30 minutes out of your day for you, to exercise, or even to simply sit and meditate...I find that very hard to believe. For the amount of time it takes to stand in line at the local burger joint, you could have spent that 5 minutes before work or even the night before and put together a healthy choice like a salad and some fruit, or a sandwich and some soup. It's cheaper too! and then take half your lunch break, and go outside, go for a walk, or just sit and meditate. Hey I am a mom, a busy mom, of teenagers who play competitive sports, who works 3 jobs and most days can still find an hour even in 20 minute intervals, to walk, exercise and make healthy meals (even thou I truly dislike cooking!!)

So how about you? What excuses do you make in order to avoid being responsible for your life... even thou the aspect is important to you: you want to be healthy, you want a better job, you want a great relationship... but you choose an excuse, over an action.
If it is important to you, you will find a way. Get rid of the excuses, and define your Life!

Lots of Love and Light,
Mystic Angel
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